Alex Wong

  Yechao Wang
  N3 Building
  Dept. of Computer Science and Technology
  Shandong University

  Email: wycsdu [at]


  I am currently a postgraduate major in 3D computer vision in Shandong University(SDU), supervised by Prof. Changhe Tu & Prof. Yangyan Li. Prior to that, I obtained my bachelor degree in School of Life Science, Shandong University(SDU), supervised by Prof. Lushan Wang in 2018, research in Bioinformatics.


  Wang Y, Cao J, Li Y, et al. APM: Adaptive Permutation Module for Point Cloud Classification[J]. Computers & Graphics, 2021.(CAD&Graphics2021 Best Paper Award)[Link]


  Postgraduate| The Interdisciplinary Research Center , Shandong University,Qingdao,China | Sept. 2018 – Jun. 2021
  Advisor: Prof. Changhe Tu & Prof. Yangyan Li